Our Wonderful Children

Our Wonderful Children
Everyone Loves Jazz Hands



Friday, February 4, 2011

Missouri ~ Colorado 2007

Easter 2007
This might look easy but this actually took over a dozen attempts
On the top we have Stephanie and Travis
Middle is Zachary, Valerie and Trent
On the bottom we had Jeff, Ashley, Bigger Zach and Bill

Jeff you look absolutely amazing in your Easter Pimp hat

Trent being silly, he was outside flying kites

When we moved to Missouri we found a wonderful place called
Watkins Mill
Trent and Stephanie looking for frogs

Poor frogs didnt stand a chance
Dont worry PETA they were not injured during our time there

always thinking....... trust me it is dangerous

We must have loved the frogs here they are again, LOL

Trent just found some more frogs

Zachary oh man this one is going pee on me

Stephanie and Valerie having a great time getting wet

Stephanie, Valerie and Zachary coming out of the water

Zachary on the slip and slide

Trent and Travis with our new little pup Noodle

Who would have thought that the girls would be able to find cheap entertainment
when we went to Colorado for Christmas. Thankfully Papa is a good sport

Almost all of us at the Main Event.....
Thank you Don and Jackie we had a blast

Zachary, Travis and cousin Jacob playing some games

On the other side of the table playing is Trent, Mason and Valerie

Cousin Madison and Stephanie they had so much fun together

Jeff inside the Lazer Tag

Zachary hey, I think I got hit?

Madison and Jeff on Dance Dance

Zachary and Jeff on Dance Dance, this must have been Jeff's
favorite we have a lot of pictures of him on this

Zachary very intense on his game playing techniques

Zachary and Trent playing a water game

Valerie, Trent, Stephanie and Jacob getting ready for Lazer Tag

Stephanie having a blast

Trent extremely into the game

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