Our Wonderful Children

Our Wonderful Children
Everyone Loves Jazz Hands



Tuesday, May 24, 2011

At The Cabin~Island Park~2011

Jeff, Travis, Zachary, Papa and Trent playing some games.

Papa and Jeff discussing how to get the keys out of the water
without going in. Remember this is the water that is melting from snow so
it is a little bit cold. Good news these were not our keys but Papas keys.
Warning: do not put your keys in your shirt pocket and lean over the railing.

Moose tracks. Good news they have been here.

This is a beautiful city.

Jeff skipping rocks with the kids off of the dock at the cabin.

Valerie and Jeff skipping rocks.

This is the life....laying around while watching our children
skip rocks, play games and collect rocks.

Trent relaxing in the swing on the dock.

Travis playing horse shoes.

Ah so peaceful.....I love you.

Zachary and Travis collecting rocks.

Trent fishing on the dock...while watching the Loons.


Jeff and Julie at sunset on the dock.

Had to have a close-up.

Don and Karen....so much love on this dock.

Sunset on the dock at the cabin.

More rock skipping.

Travis, Papa, Trent and Valerie in search of the best rock to skip.

Jeff, I love how his tongue sticks out with each throw.

Ok the next picture is not for those who are faint at heart. The
children were searching for the moose who left its track and
found wolf tracks and what appeared to be a battle to the
end. But, this is all a part of the circle of life.
The poor moose did not win....But the children searched on and found
where the battle had started. This was a teaching lesson for the
wolf pack,  there was a lot of smaller tracks left.

Steph tried to get a close-up of one of the paw prints.

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